Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Municipal Valuation Roll a diplomatic approach to the truth

It it mind boggling why a world-class city such as Rustenburg (a favourite but obviously dubious description by former Rustenburg Mayor - Mpho Khunou of a city where almost everything goes wrong all the time) simply cannot manage to do the right thing at the right time. In this column we have repeatedly pointed out the inexplicable ability of our government - whether local, provincial or national, to say the most wonderful things in the most imaginative, almost fairy tale ways. But without exception one is tempted to say, this is as far as it usually goes. When it comes to getting the elbows greased or to see people putting their backs into something, that is an entirely different story - something rarely encountered. When it comes to the proverbial, “when the going gets tough, the tough gets going”, it is a cliche often employed lavishly by means of expression, but when it comes to putting our shoulders to it, we are not that extravagant. 

Take the Rustenburg Municipality’s controversial Valuation Roll for instance. For at least the past two years the Rustenburg Municipality has been struggling to get a new Valuation Roll adopted and running smoothly in collaboration with its surrounding community that is - or let’s be bold - the goose that lays the golden eggs. For by far the biggest part of two years however, the Valuation Roll has become a symbol of deception, of untruths, of promises and hopes that have not materialised and as a result of all of thus - something that is still incomplete and lacking in sincerity. It must be clear to everyone that the new, unrealistic and over-inflated Valuation Roll was nothing but a strategy to boost the coffers and income of the Rustenburg Municipality. Perhaps it would have been better for the Rustenburg Municipality to admit that it is practically bankrupt and that it desperately needs alternative sources of income to keep the boat afloat - it is with intent that we do not say to keep the wheels rolling because more often than not - they simply are not... 

Nonetheless, instead of being honest with its community, the municipality chose the path that we’ve seen during the past two years. (No, we are not referring to the sun scorched “new” Yellow Fleet earth moving equipment in Lucas Street). From the outset a lot of undertakings around the Valuation Roll has been promised. After the first wave of protests “the Valuation Roll would have been revised”, then that “certain changes would be made”, that an alternative Municipal Valuer would be appointed and that the former valuer would be dismissed without payment. The last of these undertakings were “personal engagement” with property owners and now out of the blue property owners must learn that the process has been concluded without any of these undertakings being met, though the relevant department chooses to insists that each and every landowner has been engaged in the process. 

One cannot help to come to the conclusion that the processed has been marred by dark motives, underhandedness and an extremely diplomatic approach to truthfulness.

 Viewpoint by Waldie Volschenk, 13 Coetzer Street, Rustenburg. 

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